COVID-19 and Lung ultrasonography

For the last month, EchoFirst and Invivox organized webinars on Lung UltraSonography (LUS) for beginners and COVID-19 application.

Theses entirely free of charges webinars, are based on practical situations and ultrasonography clips analysis. Their aim is to acknowledge ultrasonography basics for beginners, and its value in General Practice and Emergency settings.

English version

In response of an massive demand, we are pleased to announce you that we’re going to perform an English version of this Webinar on Monday 27 of April. 

During this Webinar, we will :

  • Learn ultrasonography and Lung ultrasonography basics, followed by LUS value in Emergency Department or General Practice.
  • Acknowledge LUS patterns in COVID-19+
  • Draft and mix LUS informations in patient management.
  • Discuss about disinfection procedures and suggestions.

You can book now, for free :

Book now

For any others questions, you are free to contact us at

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